January 28, 2016

Let's talk about mental health.

Today is the annual Bell Let's Talk day. This is a campaign created to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues across Canada.  I've been inspired by the prime minister, Justin Trudeau speaking about his personal experiences surrounding mental health. Hearing the Prime Minister talk about his own experiences, inspired me to write about mine!  The interview started off with the question asking how we can create a conversation about mental health to young kids. Justin Trudeau talked about the importance of eliminating the barrier between mental and physical health. As the conversation started to gained momentum, I found myself getting really emotional( I found myself choking back tears ) I was so happy to see such a positive discussion being created on such a highly public platform. 

I spent a huge portion of my life avoiding talking about anything to do with mental health. It wasn't until I was eighteen and approached my family doctor, and said: "I'm okay with dying." That conversation led me to be referred to a therapist, Which led to my diagnosis of depression and anxiety. It was nice to finally put a name to these strangers that have been present in my life ever since I was a child. My doctor wanted to medicate me with pills I couldn't pronounce, but my therapist wanted to see how individual sessions with her would turn out. I didn't care, I just didn't want to feel this deal with these problems anymore.

What I learned that year  through my own struggles and journey, is that I cannot get rid of my mental illnesses. I needed to accept the fact that they are a part of me, and make me who I am. Accepting my depression and anxiety was extremely difficult to do. At first I was in a state of constant questioning. "why did I have to have this instead of being normal". Turns out, this state of "normal" that we all strive for is just an illusion. What's normal for a spider is chaos for a fly.

I've dedicated the past four years of my life to accepting my mental illnesses and my past. I learned they are all are key factors that have shaped me into the person I am today. Although it's been truly difficult at times, I am grateful for my struggles. They have given me the strength and the knowledge to move forward with my life. I hope one day I can make a possible career working with others in need and help them, as this is my passion. Until then , I will express my support for this and other issues through blog posts . I hope they bring a smile to your face! :)